Katie Melendez
Are you in support of declaring Pride Proclamations and raising the Pride flag during June in your City once elected?
I am in support, as I have voted to display the Pride flag at the City of Vista. I also led our City to host our first-ever Pride reception. As the first lesbian to serve on Vista City Council, I am proud to represent my City.
The Supreme Court has made it legal for Cities to ban unhoused people from living in the street by making a crime to do so with jail time. Would you support your City from proposing a similar ban? If your City already has a ban, would you advocate to overturn the ban and allow for unhoused people their right to sleep and be housed?
The City of Vista has had an anti-camping ordinance for decades. I secured historic investments toward homeless services, including a new shelter, safe parking program, and rental assistance. In discussions about enforcing the encampment ban, I worked closely with the City Attorney to ensure that all enforcement is done in conjunction with services. I have also had assurance from our San Diego Sheriff that people experiencing homelessness will not be housed in jails.
LGBTQ Centers are vital agencies in our region. The North County LGBTQ Resource Center alone provides lifesaving services that support homeless youth, people in addiction, survivors of violence, seniors in poverty and more as well as enhancing the local business community. If elected, would you advocate for your city to dedicate grants and resources to support our local North County LGBTQ Resource Center?
Similarly to how I support other nonprofits with grants and bids for program funds, I would include the North County LGBTQ Resource Center.
Are you in support of voting yes on California Proposition 3 to repeal Proposition 8 and declaring that the right to marry is a constitutional right in the California Constitution?
Yes, love is love.