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Nani Love

Nani Love

(She, Her)

Case Manager

Since a young girl born in raised on O’ahu Nani has always had the heart to help others. Having a background with the Government as well as County, becoming a Case Manager and a Victim’s Advocate helping individuals through the toughest times of their life rather through housing, financial and emotional crisis and dealing with people throughout the years has allowed her to connect with them in many more ways than we could have imagined.

While she volunteered as a case manager at the LGBTQ Resource Center for 2 years. Today she holds a part of the LGBTQ Reasorce Center as a Full Time official Case Manager.    

Born and raised in Hawaii in a Pentacostal Family with very conservative views one thing separated her from the rest of the local conservatives was the fact both sides of her family were apart of the LGBTQ Community. She actually had no idea there was an LGBTQ community because it was so normalized in her everyday life and when she came out to her grandmother as bisexual there was no issue with acceptance.

When moving to the mainland one thing she missed was the love and support she received in Hawaii but she found all that in the Oceanside LGBTQ Resource Centers now

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